
Kamis, 03 Desember 2009

Matrix XD

Matrix XD

Armagedon in 21-12-2012???

Posted: 03 Dec 2009 10:19 AM PST

Armagedon in 21-12-2012???2012 film which was shown at the cinema public attention in the country. Although the ban comes from watching the Indonesian Ulema Council in various areas, a long line of prospective viewers it is even longer.

Increasingly curious public, while on the other hand, the MUI worried this movie can shake the confidence of faith audience. The point of controversy of this Hollywood movie is nothing but doom scene becomes the message of this film.

In fact, if associated with the study of science, this film is nothing left from a mere figment. The idea of Resurrection in the film departs from Maya prophecy that on December 21, 2012 will occur on the Earth Hour.

Avivah Yamani from the South Heaven dismiss this prediction. He said that the Mayans predicted the end of 21-12-2012 no other because the date is the end of the calendar cycle. Or, in other words run out of numbers. Because, Maya calendar system based on bi-decimal (number 20).

Another oddity is the shifting plates of the earth's crust and the influence of extreme storms such as the sun in the movie depicted. In 2012 the Sun is described that the tongue can produce neutrinos, which is a kind of microwave wave that can heat the earth's core temperature.

In fact, as expressed Herdiwijaya Dhani, Solar Physics expert from Bandung Institute of Technology, tongue The sun is a common phenomenon that occurs throughout the cycle of Solar activity for 11 years. Active sun is marked by the appearance of black spots on the surface.

When black spots appeared, the sun going belly rotational mass flow which can affect the magnetic field force. At the peak of its activity, this magnetic field to penetrate into the swirling layers of photosphere.

Temperature of 4500 degrees Kelvin 4000, in contrast to the surrounding temperature of 5800 degrees Kelvin. Activities strong magnetic field in sunspots can heat the layer of the Sun and causing kromosfer flares (explosions of light) and Corona Mass Injection (CME).

Flare and CME activity that could lead to high space storm. Ejected particles that reach the earth a significant impact on the climate on Earth and can also cause magnetic storms that can disrupt radio communications.

Global cooling

That be a problem, he said, when this was going on a downward trend sun activity. Magnetic field radiation levels continue to fall sun. Now in the minimum point. In recent years, sunspots are also very rarely formed.

For that, he was not sure if the 2012 storm was going to happen as the Sun dispekulasikan extreme community. That the people know now, Earth is going on global warming. "And, actually, we are also facing the possibility of global cooling condition," Dhani said later.

So, if anything happens to an end, it could be because we can not use telephone equipment, television, and communication networks, in an attack while under the influence of electromagnetic waves from the storm the sun. That is, if it happens ...

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