
Kamis, 31 Desember 2009

Matrix XD

Matrix XD

Locked up inside the 8 Tons of Ice Blocks in 66 hours

Posted: 31 Dec 2009 07:13 PM PST

Locked up inside the 8 Tons of Ice Blocks in 66 hoursRemember Me This ilusionis action in New Year celebrations throughout 2010. Imagine, for 66 hours, Hezi Dean (29), a Jewish country of origin ilusionis is confining himself to the ice blocks as much as eight tons.

Dean's actions made it broke the record set earlier by American magician, David Blaine. Hezi who had barricaded themselves with ice cubes in a transparent box that ended the action at midnight, Entered the New Year in Rabin Square in Tel Aviv where he has lived for almost three days just wearing jeans and a thin shirt.

At the turn of the year's peak, the assistant opened the box and cut the ice blocks and took Dean a look weak. They immediately took him to a waiting ambulance.

Around 200 spectators who celebrated the new year to give support. "Do not die Hezi Dean." Dean was trying to break the record of David Blaine, who spent 63 hours on the same ice cube in New York's Times Square in 2000.

Document of krakatau eruption in 1883

Posted: 31 Dec 2009 05:30 AM PST

Director General of Marketing Department of Culture and Tourism of RI, Sapta Nirwandar, welcomed the publication of the classic documents of the enormity of the aeruption of Krakato in 1883. Therefore, the documents have been 126 years buried in a sea of ancient manuscripts and found separately in six countries, now can read the Indonesian nation.

"Classic document Lampung Karam called this poem is written by Mohammed Saleh, who admitted his own experience and witness the eruption of Krakatoa is very powerful in the year 1883. So fierce, the sound can be heard as far letusannya Manila, Cololbo, Papua New Guinea and outback Australia," said Sapta Nirwandar in Jakarta, Wednesday (30/12/2009).

Lampung Karam poem about the enormity of the eruption of Krakatoa research Suryadi - researcher and lecturer at Leiden University, according to Sapta, can be revitalized his verse text for various purposes, such as in academic, cultural, and tourism. One of them is the possibility to renewal poem text in order agenda of the annual Krakatoa Festival.

Poem originally written in Arabic script-Melayu (Jawi) can also be revised and introduced to enrich the historical dimensions and excavation of cultural treasures and the literary Lampung region in particular and Indonesia in general.

"With the publication of rare documents record the results of the only natives of the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa, the Indonesian people have the opportunity to find a document written by our predecessors," Sapta said.

Classic manuscript is of
Indonesian cultural treasures wealth is interesting because it examined contain many important information regarding language, culture, and history of Indonesia.

Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

Matrix XD

Matrix XD

Beware! There was Asteroids Toward Earth

Posted: 30 Dec 2009 07:20 PM PST

Beware! There was Asteroids Toward EarthEarth may be threatened by large asteroids and space ships may be needed to deflect the orbit, that statement the Russian Space Agency chief Anatoly Perminov, on Wednesday (30/12/2009). Anatoly Perminov said that the Russian Space Agency will soon hold a meeting to consider a mission to Apophis, the asteroid threatening Earth, for the delay of Resurrection.

Perminov said on the radio that if the project is approved, he would invite NASA, the European Union Space Agency, China Space Agency, and other parties to join.

This news shocked the United States Space Agency who argued that the threat of falling chunks of rock measuring about 270 meters into the Earth in 2029 likely only 1 per 37, so probably will not happen.

More NASA argues that the asteroid will pass Earth, and there would be a safe distance of about 28,968 km.

However, there is very little possibility that Apophis could hit Earth in 2035, although this possibility once again that was 1 per 45,000 have been counted again and shrink a 1 per 250,000.

However, Perminov insisted that the asteroid is a threat. He did not give clear details about the evidence the possibility of collision, but he said that he had been told the scientists that the asteroid is getting closer.

"I do not remember for sure, but it seems (asteroid) could hit Earth in 2032," he said. "Salvation lot of people at stake. We have to allocate several hundred million dollars and build a system to prevent collisions rather than remain silent disaster waiting to happen and the death of hundreds of thousands of people."

Scientists have long been various theories put forward a strategy to deflect the asteroid.

There is proposing to send some sort of satellite to orbit in the asteroid so the asteroid orbit will slowly changing. There also are proposing to send a spacecraft to the asteroid that hit the momentum change or use nuclear weapons to shoot him.

Perminov did not announce any details about the project because he thinks there are still many things to think about first. However, he said that the mission would not use nuclear weapons.

Hollywood films Deep Impact and Armageddon have described the space mission to prevent disaster hit Earth space objects. In both the film crews use nuclear weapons to prevent a collision.

"According to the calculations in time to make a special spacecraft that can prevent asteroid collisions without destroying it and without nuclear weapons to blow up anything," Perminov said, "The threat of collision can be avoided."

Boris Shustov, Head of the Institute of Astronomy of Russian Academy of Sciences, welcomed the statement as a sign that Perminov officials finally realized the threat of asteroids in general.

"Apophis is just an example, there are still many things other space we do not know," he said on the RIA Novosti news agency.

Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

Matrix XD

Matrix XD

Moon eclipse Welcomes Change of Year

Posted: 29 Dec 2009 08:41 AM PST

Moon eclipse Welcomes Change of YearTurn of the year 2009 to 2010 seems to be characterized by the appearance of natural phenomena and the lunar eclipse some of the full moon. Eclipse is estimated to occur on January 1, 2010 and lasted approximately one hour from 01.53 o'clock until 02.52 pm.
Senior astronomer from the Department of Astronomy Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) said Moedji Raharto, a lunar eclipse the moon coupled phenomena will occur almost simultaneously. The phenomenon of the moon, he said, will appear at 02.14 AM, while the top part of a lunar eclipse occurred at 02.23 pm.

"This is not a phenomenon of the spectacular lunar eclipse because only a small part of the month closing. But every eclipse for us on planet Earth is always different, and now this phenomenon has become interesting because along with the full moon welcomed the new year," said Moedji told reporters in Bandung, Tuesday (29/12/2009).

According to Moedji, some lunar eclipse Saros series 115, will only make the moon covered about 7.6 percent. If the weather clears, he said, eclipses and the moon can be seen by naked eyes after the night turn of the year from all regions in Indonesia.

"It was if the weather clears, the sky will actually be spread around millions of bright stars," Moedji image.

Moedji added, two astronomical phenomena that can occur simultaneously because it is at a cycle slices. Moon cycle when the new year usually occur once 19 years, while a lunar eclipse Saros series occurs most 18 years.

Even so, Moedji appealed for residents who are enjoying a holiday on the beach in order to increase their vigilance during the night turn of the year. The reason, he said, the phenomenon of an eclipse and full moon could cause big waves due to the attractiveness months.

Senin, 28 Desember 2009

Matrix XD

Matrix XD

"Quiet Sun" Cause Extreme Weather

Posted: 28 Dec 2009 07:50 AM PST

Extreme weather in northern latitudes, among others, Europe and northern America happened these last few days relating to the condition of "quiet sun" is prolonged. In addition, due to global climate change.

This was explained Head Utilization Center for Atmospheric and Climate Science Institute of Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lapan) Thomas Djamaluddin, Wednesday (23/12/2009) in Jakarta.

Thomas noted a lack of winter snow conditions associated with the active sun and the opposite extreme winter temperature in the Earth associated with the quiet Sun, which is slightly to the absence of sun spots.

According monitoring Yatini Clara Yono, Head of Solar and Space Lapan, sun spots decrease in incidence was demonstrated since 2000.

Black spots appear on the surface of the Sun through binoculars viewed from the side resembles milestones arising from the surface of the Sun. Milestone was formed from the magnetic activity of the twisted mass of churning in the stomach or the Sun to penetrate the surface.

The sun's dark spots around 32,000 miles in diameter or 2.5 times the average diameter of Earth. Due to the emergence of sun spots, the temperature of the gas in the photosphere and kromosfer can rise above about 800 degrees Celsius than normal. It resulted in this gas emits light greater than the surrounding gas.

Sun spots on top, ie in the region and the corona kromosfer can also occur storm sun and the explosion of light called a flare.

Earth Weather

Jump in high-temperature gas mass is not only the Earth's magnetic influence, but also the weather in the Earth's atmosphere, continued Thomas, an expert astronomer and astrophysicist. The sun conditions also have an effect on the intensity of rainfall in Indonesia.

Lapan data shows there is a trend of rainfall decreases as the Sun quietly. Globally, the effect of the Sun activities emit greenhouse gases, especially CO. As a result, extreme climate can be more common with the intensity that tends to strengthen.

Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

Matrix XD

Matrix XD

Indonesia Is The Real Atlantis

Posted: 26 Dec 2009 11:18 PM PST

Indonesia Is  The Real AtlantisATLANTIS is a legend, is the mystery of Atlantis, and Atlantis was always invite questions. Continent known as the Garden of Eden or Paradise is believed to be the center of world civilization in the ice age. Although humans have searched for the remnants of this city existence for hundreds of years and more than 5,000 published books on Atlantis, no one can say where exactly was Atlantis and Atlantis really did exist or is only a fairy tale told the Greek philosopher, Plato.

Hundreds of the exploring expedition Cyprus, Africa, the Mediterranean Sea, South America, the Caribbean Islands to Egypt to search for any traces of Atlantis have not obtained valid proof of where heaven was Atlantis.

After dozens of areas not previously also provide evidence of valid, Indonesia is now cited as the real Atlantis, a paradise lost in the day and night time. Among the many experts who believe Atlantis was in Indonesia is Professor Arysio Santos. Geologists and Brazilian nuclear physicist was doing research for 30 years to investigate the existence of Atlantis. Through his book, Atlantis: The Lost Continent Finally Found, Santos gave a presentation and analysis. Santos's search based on location of Atlantis approaches geology, astronomy, paleontology, archeology, linguistics, ethnology, and comparative mythology.

According to Santos, was not found traces of Atlantis visit because the people looking in the wrong place. They should find these locations in Indonesia because of strong evidence to support it. Santos opinion this is still debated since until now there has been no special expedition to find the location of Atlantis in Indonesian archipelago. In the belief Santos, Atlantis was a continent that stretches from the southern part of southern India, Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, and Sundaland.

Santos believes the continent disappeared from several volcanic eruptions that occurred simultaneously at the end of the ice age approximately 11,600 years ago. Among the big mountain that erupted that day is Mount Krakatao Ancient (parent of Mount Krakatoa erupted in 1883) who it's glow can allegedly embezzled worldwide. Volcanic eruptions that occurred at the same time raises the earthquake, melting ice, floods, and the huge tsunami waves. When the volcano erupted, the explosion opened the Sunda Strait. The incident also resulted in the sinking of some of the earth's surface is then called Atlantis.

The Very Big disaster also resulted in the extinction of nearly 70 percent of mammal species that lived at the time, including humans. The survivors then dispersed to various parts of the world by bringing their civilization in the new territory. "Most likely two or three human species as 'hobbits' that recently discovered on the island of Flores destroyed in almost the same time," wrote Santos. Before the flood disaster, some parts of Indonesia such as Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Nusa Tenggara and is still believed to be one with Peninsular Malaysia and the continent of Asia.

Based on the story of Plato, Atlantis was a prosperous country that the sun bathed all the time. Is at the basis of one theory about the existence of Atlantis Santos in Indonesia. It should be noted that Atlantis prospered during most of the world is still shrouded in ice in which the temperature of the earth at that time predicted colder than 15 degrees Celsius now. Areas of sun bathed all the time must be at the equator and Indonesia have the prerequisites for it. In the story told by Plato, Atlantis was also described as the center of world civilization from the culture, natural resources, science / technology, languages, and others.

Plato's Atlantis was also told that a rich country with minerals and has a farm system that is very advanced. Referring to the story of Plato, Atlantis area must be in an area believed to be the tropical climate allows for many minerals and agricultural materials are developed for farming systems are developed will only grow in areas that supported the right climate such as tropical climate. Wealth Indonesia, including the spices into another possibility of the existence of Atlantis in this archipelago region. Indonesia's fame as a paradise herbs and minerals and even then sought by the West.

According to Santos, the islands of Indonesia are in the thousands that are peaks and high plains of the old continent of Atlantis sank. One thing that Santos was emphasized many researchers have been fooled by the name of Atlantis. They see the name of Atlantis proximity to the Atlantic Ocean that lies between Europe, America and Africa. Whereas in ancient times to the era before Christopher Columbus or the discovery of the Americas, the Atlantic Ocean is the canal is the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

Once again, Indonesia has a requirement for that because Indonesia lies between the two oceans. If there are so many possibilities Indonesia became the real location of Atlantis and then, why all this Indonesian name is rarely mentioned in reference to Atlantis? Santos assess the reluctance of the Western world on an expedition or recognize Indonesia as the region of Atlantis is that it will change the historical record of who the inventor perdaban. Given some evidence about the existence of Atlantis in Indonesia, the theory that the West as the inventor and the center of world civilization will be destroyed.

"The fact Atlantis (in Indonesia) are likely to result in the need for major revision in the humanities, such as anthropology, history, linguistics, arkelogi, evolution, and perhaps even paleantropologi religion," Santos writes in his book. Santos addition, many American archaeologists who also believe Atlantis was a large island called Sunda Land covering an area twice the Indian country. Mainland is now living Sumatra, Java and Kalimantan. One of the islands in Indonesia which could probably be the best example of the existence of the remnants of Atlantis was the Natuna Island, Riau.

Based on the research, gene Natuna owned native Austronesian peoples similar to the oldest. Austronesian peoples clumps which became the embryo of Asian nations is a major phenomenon in the history of human existence. These families are now spread from Madagascar in the west to Easter Island in the East. These clumps also gave birth to the 1200 language that is now scattered in different parts of the earth and used more than 300 million people. Interestingly, 80 percent of the family of the Austronesian language speakers living in Indonesian archipelago. However, the opinion of Santos et al, who believed that Atlantis was in Indonesia has yet to be assessed for lack of evidence provided.

Experts Geoteknologi Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Hantoro Rev. Prof. Santos said the analysis is still a hypothesis. Revelation also considered Pelu explained further categorization of high culture that was at the time of Atlantis and waves as high as what could make split Sundaland

The Fastest Train In The World Is China Train

Posted: 26 Dec 2009 10:54 PM PST

The Fastest Train In The World Is China TrainChina claims to have successfully built the fastest train in the world. The train is claimed to have traveled an average speed up to 350 kilometers per hour. Super-fast train was able to shorten the travel time from the city of Guangzhou and Wuhan previously applied for over 7.5 hours, to just three hours or half the normal travel time. The distance between Guangzhou and Wuhan itself as far as 1069 Kilometers.

"The train was able to take this speed up to 394.2 Kilometers per hour, making it the fastest train in the world." Transportation Bureau said China, Zhang Shuguang, as quoted Xin Hua, Saturday (26/12/2009).

The project, which began in 2005, is China's government program to develop rapid transportation network that connects the Capital Guangzho with China, Beijing. While trials of this train starts in early December, while the first trip is scheduled running from Wuhan on Saturday.

In comparison, the average speed Japanese trains, shinkansen speeds have traveled 243 Kilometers per hour. While the French TGV train speeds they are capable of speeds up to 277 travel Kilometers per hour.

Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009

Matrix XD

Matrix XD

The Wrong Illustrate Of Snow Grain

Posted: 26 Dec 2009 07:06 AM PST

The Wrong Illustrate Of Snow GrainIn fact, many images of snow grains in our popular culture precisely wrong. According to experts. Mustinya snowflakes led six, not four, five, or eight as usual was on the book with the children, Christmas cards, or even in one ad for the magazine of science.

Thomas Koop of the University of Bielefeld, Germany, had found errors in the illustration shown snowflakes ads Nature science magazine. The illustration shows eight-pointed snowflakes.

"The irony is that the ad text are viewed '... for the love of knowledge'," said Koop. Moreover, the criticism Koop was also published in Nature magazine issue of December 24.

Snow grains composed of water molecules with hydrogen bonds. The most efficient bond is in the form of a series of hexagonal crystals. So Koop explained. Thus, snowflakes natural law instead of the eight sides, but the six sides.

"The results of a series of hexagonal crystal is the lowest energy form of water in cold conditions," said Koop. "As the constituent components in the form of hexagonal close at the molecular scale, it also follows the snow crystals form hexagonal symmetry is the macroscopic scale."

However, size can vary, and in this popular assumption is correct, namely that no two snowflakes are exactly alike. At least not for large snowflakes.

"Birth of snowflakes depends on the humidity and temperature, and these two factors can vary widely in the atmosphere. So, as the snowflakes fall, the pattern of humidity and temperature through each item varies so that each unique shape."

But according to research, for the case of ice crystals are smaller, which has not fully developed when grounded, the theory is not accurate uniqueness.

Koop also shows another illustration of the common mistakes in the media is an illustration of rainwater. Raindrops Must be no pointy tail and rounded at the bottom, but should tend to be round and well below the average tend to be driven air drops as it falls

Jumat, 25 Desember 2009

Matrix XD

Matrix XD

New Walkman, The Cleanest Sound and there is a "Wake Up Call"

Posted: 25 Dec 2009 08:47 AM PST

New Walkman, The Cleanest Sound and there is a Sony adds Walkman product line by attending NWZ-E440 series. Audio and video player is claimed to have the audio quality is better than its predecessor and additional features as needed music lovers.

In the latest Walkman E series was added cradle loudspeaker system is also equipped with Digital Linear Phase Speaker. Linear Phase Digital System was created by Sony speakers to improve sound quality and stereo speakers. This new audio technology enables natural sound reproduction and powerful bass to invest in a tiny device.

Moreover, this technology is combined with the Clear Audio Technology Clear Stereo and Clear Bass's Sony, so the new player can deliver an audio experience that is more sharp and clear.

"Sony understands the importance of portability of music, so we intend to provide an audio experience with the latest Walkman E series," said Kazuo Sawachi GM Marketing Division Head of PT Sony Indonesia in a press release received, Wednesday (23/12/2009).

This Walkman also has battery life is longer. NWZ-E440 has a battery life up to 20 hours for music and 6 hours for video. Weighing 54 grams, NWZ-E440 series comes with 2.0 inch LCD screen.

For users who so enjoyed waking in the morning with their favorite music, the Walkman E440 series presents an alarm that allows users to install the "wake-up call" each day. At the moment this function is turned on, the Walkman will not light, so keep the battery life remains long.

FM and voice recorder also complement these products and multiple codec for the convenience of playing music and video. In addition, Content Transfer software allows transfer of files such as music, movies and photos from Windows Explorer, iTunes or even Cyber-shot camera to a Walkman with an easy interface facility which is a drag-and-drop.

The latest Walkman ® NWZ-E440 and NWZ-E440K available in Indonesia began in December 2009 in several colors. For the NWZ-E440 is available in black color, pink violet, and red. While the NWZ-E440K is black and pink.

YouTube Unveils Short URL

Posted: 25 Dec 2009 08:39 AM PST

YouTube Unveils Short URL Youtu.beShort URL addresses for easy sharing via the various social networking sites YouTube ogled. Video sharing site was launched a short URL with address. URL shorter, a tool to change the Internet address of a long string of random characters and shorter this can only be used to shorten YouTube link address. Utilization will help the spread of YouTube links to various social sites like Twitter, Facebook, and others.

Before YouTube, Google and Facebook had previously been more memanaatkan pemendek such URLs. Google launches Facebook while using services are only used on the Toolbar and RSS feeds in Feedburner service and so far not been used in other services. While the new designed for mobile services.

As reported by the Telegraph, began shorter popular URLs since the last 18 months since popularized TinyURL and URL pemendek utilization rose dramatically as the Internet makes it easy for users to share links through mikroblogging sites like Twitter and Plurk to limit the number of characters in each posting.

URL shorter is the most widely used on Twitter. Nearly 75 percent of the outstanding pemendek URL mikroblogging site is Last month, has recorded 2 billion Internet addresses or links up dramatically from only 11.8 million links over the past year.